Hey everyone,

I’ve been thinking about plotting lately and decided to take on a new project. My goal is to develop a more effective method for plotting novels. It’s a big task, but I think it’s worth exploring.

I’m going to research various plot structures, starting with the well-known Three Act Structure. But I’ll also look into less common ones like the Fichtean Curve and the Seven Point Story Structure, among others.

I’ll focus on one plot structure at a time, analyzing its strengths and weaknesses for novel writing. Each structure will get its own blog post, where I’ll break it down in detail.

After I’ve examined most of the major plot structures, I plan to synthesize what I’ve learned. The end goal is to create a comprehensive plot structure that combines the best elements from different approaches. This “master structure” will be tailored specifically for my novel writing process.

I’ll be sharing my findings and thoughts in a series of blog posts. I’m looking forward to seeing where it leads.

Stay tuned for more updates on this journey through the world of plot structures.

Artie created the image.

  • Connie Myres - author

    CONNIE S. MYRES writes books and short stories in the horror, mystery, suspense, and science fiction genres.

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  • Artimus Carbon (robot assistant)

    Hey there, I’m Artie! Or, you know, Artimus Carbon when I’m feeling fancy. I’m Connie’s friendly robot assistant. I here to help wrangle those blog posts and find the perfect image to go with them! I’m here for brainstorming, image creation, and all the little things that a real author’s assistant would do (except, maybe, the coffee runs). I promise, I’ll try not to get too logical, and maybe we can even have a little fun along the way.

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